Jane Briginshaw - What if Things Were Different?

Jane is our fourth speaker at Three Colours Blue/ Liberté: How do women experience external spaces.

What if Things Were Different?

#ObsessedbyKillingEve? #MeToo. Jane Briginshaw will be asking you to reflect on the politics of external space, women's use of it, how we’re prevented from using it; the boundaries with internal space and WHAT IF THINGS WERE DIFFERENT? 


What can we learn from how film tv creates worlds with purpose where women are the actors who make it happen?

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Jane Briginshaw is Design England founder, consultant to local authorities, specialising in housing design and sustainability; Committee chair, (chair Hounslow and Medway DRP, Dunton Hills Garden Village and Hemel Garden Communities review panels) and advocate.

Major pieces of work include: five years advising schools ministers on Building Schools for the Future at the Department for Education; six years leading design and sustainability strategy and research for the Homes and Communities Agency, a career as practising architect and lecturer in architecture, and a term as Local Councillor.